Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ad hominem

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Boris Johnson stands almost alone in his statement that we would leave the EU on 31st October 2019. “Or I will die in a ditch.”

The complacent people who are very nicely off, thank you very much, are attacking him personally now.

When arguments fail, personal attacks are used instead. Don't attack the conservatives: go direct to the personality of their leader.

Dredging through his (rather successful and charming) tenure as Mayor of London, they have come up with a couple of kiss-and-tell stories. He put his hand right up my thigh and pinched it! The lady sitting on his other side, said he had done the same to her! And then there is the scandal of the Mayor (Boris) paying money to a woman who needed it to run her business. Was he in cahoots with her? And to what extent?
If you are the kind of person who likes dredging, the best place to look is here.

Meanwhile the late Philip Hammond points out the old Legatum theory. There is a club of business people, including Boris himself naturally, and several other people who stand to make a lot of money by short selling, by inflation and by disaster capitalism. They are pressurising him to cut short the negotiations and to do a cliff edge Brexit so that they can capitalise on the disaster. They all belong to a secret society called Legatum. (Note the date of the article which mentions the name – not the accusation – 6/18 – over a year ago.) Boris, of course, is one of them too.

Ad hominem is a superb way to win when you are up against just one person.

And then there is Dominic Cummings – the Second Comings – to have a go at.

Simples! (God, how I hate that word!)

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