Thursday, September 26, 2019

What do the audience want from you? Meet their need.

A couple of days ago, the Remainers threw our country into turmoil when the Supreme Court gave a judgement that the Prime Minister had given misleading advice to Her Majesty the Queen when he advised her to prorogue parliament. I think we need to consider what has happened.

The blame game.

Gina Miller is the person who brought this case to the Supreme Court.
Who is she? The daughter of an Attorney General in Guyana, Gina was well educated (Roedean) and studied at law school (London University) before dropping out. Since then, her career is rather obscure. Here is Wikipedia:
She owned a property photographic laboratory in 1987, before becoming a marketing and event manager at BMW Fleet Division in 1990. She started a specialist financial services marketing agency in 1992, and launched the Senate investment conference programme in 1996. She became a marketing consultant in 2006. In February 2009, Miller co-founded the investment firm SCM Private (now SCM Direct) with her husband Alan Miller. 
So how did she raise all that money for a case like this? Was it George Soros? In which case, it is interesting that he can again almost bring down the government. Gina herself insists that the lawyers were working pro bono publico (aka free) and that she will not discuss where the funding came from except to say that it was "crowd funded".

I am wondering what part the EU had in all this. They certainly brought about the crash of Greece under Janis Varoufakis, as he fully explains in his book Adults in the Room, working secretly and insidiously behind the scenes. Italy, too had Sgnr Berlusconi deposed and replaced by a very pro-EU personage.

Is Gina Miller just a tool of the EU? Who knows?


This is the country which, just a century ago, ran the world. This is the parliament that just a century ago was still one of the few places where democracy was still cutting edge as the rest of the world turned to various dictatorships.
Now, humbled by a very suspiciously funded court case, we face total chaos as we move inexorably towards what the people in the London Bubble have always wanted: normal service to be resumed as soon as possible.
It stinks.

(I wrote this using my Template which is below in red! You can do the same when you write.)

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