Monday, May 27, 2019

Gourmet English: Ten Tricks gone so far: Debriefing.

Gourmet English: Ten Tricks gone so far: Debriefing.:

Salesmen and politicians know that you are not selling the product as much as you are selling yourself.
If you look wrong, then people will assume that your product is wrong too. Which is why people pay a lot of money to appear good on their websites. Which is why politicians usually (not always) like to appear smart or carefully – oh so carefully – casual.

So if your argument looks like this:
The political duopoly we have experienced here in the UK for generations has now died if those partaking in the poll act as they say they will. 
The only real option open to the Conservatives now to stand a chance to be involved with forming a Government following the next General Election is via forming a coalition pact with The Brexit Party.
People will assume you are perhaps a little too fond of long words. Talking down. Pompous even.
So they will simply turn off.

Whereas if it looks like this:
The questions to candidates are
1. How will you get us out of the EU by or before October 31?
2. How will you develop a programe to expand our economy, raise living standards, raise our reputation in the world and restore our self confidence as a nation, using all the new freedoms we will have once out of the EU?
People will sit up and listen. Especially if it was written by a serving MP - Sir John Redwood.

Mr Horrid sells cars in our road. 

He blocks pavements with the old bangers which he buys at auction every week-end. He strips down to a pair of floppy shorts and lets his beer belly hang over the elastic waist band. He never seems to sell stuff. The environment is not pleasant. It looks horrid.

My nice old lounge has my leather sofa with lots of cushions. I can lie full length on it to read and watch TV. There are nice flowers. There is even a little table for my drinks and specs. I like to go there. It reminds me of a certain cafe in Dubai (Shakespeare's) where I used to go and lounge on the sofas in front of a tall glass of brightly coloured drink.

If your argument looks like Mr Horrid, full of swearing and insults and mad remarks, do you think people will like to go there? And that goes for the people you meet there too. And the people used as examples.
I thought that some attractive Muslim girls might give a good example of niceness! Silly me. The word "Muslim" put people off. More on this later, I hope.
  • Popular ideas.
  • The assumption that your idea is the very latest, modern thing and that is is used by Young People.
  • Carefully explaining the good points so people get excited by them.
  • Sympathetic understanding of suffering and vulnerable people.
  • Saying something everyone believes in.
All these make your argument convincing.
Or in simple language: avoid argument altogether. Just sell the nice bits!
The message so far:

Vinegar does not catch flies: you need honey.

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