Friday, May 17, 2019

Over the next couple of weeks, I hope to present certain tricks which will help you win your argument, whatever that may be and wherever that may be.

If you are passionate about climate change, for instance – either way – this may help. If you have strong feelings about Boris, Nigel or Jezza, then this could help too. If you feel very strongly about the President of the USA, this may be of help too.

It also works if you are trying to sell something.

Trick One: Association.

How to win your audience.

Start with a smile.
Yes, yes, I know. You know it all already. But can I be allowed to expand a little? This is based on Aristotle's brilliant Rhetoric after all…

Association! Works every time. Salesmen know this. Saleswomen know this.
“How are you feeling today Sir? Good? Lovely weather isn't it, even the sun is shining!” Salesman smiles. Exclaims: “Wow! Have you seen this jewellery? So you have come here from Hunstanton?”
“Yes, actually.”
“Lovely place. My Mum comes from there. Is this your wife?”
“Yes, she is. We have been married for twenty years next year!”
“Wonderful!” Salesman smiles appreciatively.
“And let me ask, are you still in love?”
(Man looks at wife.) “Of course we are!”
General laughter.
“Which one do you fancy Sir…”

Of course, the opposite works just the same for destruction.

Mrs Thatcher was in office well past the menopause. She stayed in office well past her sell-by date and introduced the fatal poll tax which led to rioting in the streets. 
Queen Elizabeth I still ruled at a ripe old age, her wrinkles painted over with white lead and her wooden false teeth clacking as she spoke, yet still she remained in office. 
Mrs May said she is going to resign soon. As Prime Minister she has stubbornly held to her view that Brexit means Brexit. Like Mrs Thatcher, like Queen Elizabeth I, she too is still in office.
Anti Semitism: of course, holocaust deniers exist! Of course they do! But holocaust denial is just that: holocaust denial. And we all agree denial is wrong. When people feel so unsure of themselves that they can deny that tens of millions of Jews were deliberately exterminated just a few years ago, they really do need locking away. Holocaust deniers? They need help.
Now let's think about something completely different shall we? 
Our children are being taught, quite rightly, at school that humanity itself faces extinction. Climate change is happening as all scientists agree – except of course for a few climate change deniers.
Brexit? We have to cancel it. It is destroying the country and setting people against each other. Let's look at the last time there was a referendum in 1973. We voted quite rightly to remain in the EU, (or the EEC as it then was.) Over 70% of Britons voted against Enoch Powell, a man who even in those days was a firm Brexiteer. and Enoch Powell was also a racist.

  • Think what you are trying to support or sell. Now think of nice things which you want to associate with it.
  • Think which ideas you need to attack. Now think of some horrid things which you want to associate with them.
Works every time.

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