Saturday, May 11, 2019

What I am trying to do.

Lots of English courses out there. Lots of people telling you on Pinterest how to get that novel published. Lots of people offering to write your essays for you.

So what is the unique selling point here?

I am offering a free course in how to spice up your English writing. This will help in comments on blogs, on writing blogs, on writing your essays, on giving that dreaded speech…

It will also help in all those interminable arguments about Global Warming climate change, Brexit/People's Vote, and whether or not Peterborough United (aka the Posh) are going to win the Champions' League ever.

All the humanities will lie open to your precision, your skill, your delight - English, History, Leisure, Psychology, Drama, Media Studies, Business Studies (very badly needed here).

This course will, if you follow it carefully, give you some new tools for your workshop and make you into a craftsman, a wordsmith.

Me? I am just an ordinary teacher. And that is why you will also be introduced to some of the greatest speakers who have ever lived, the greatest orators, the greatest writers. Yes, they come from way back, but language is permanent and the skills are the same as ever they were.

That is why they are forever remembered. That is why they are great.

You can be that great too.

(The picture is of Tony Abbott, a convincing public speaker and Rhodes Scholar, who became Australian PM.)

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