Friday, May 24, 2019

Trick Eight: Statistics: a matter of taste.

“Everyone does it!”
And that very often makes it right.

Let's take the popularity of divorce as an example of how to spice English up a bit.

This statement about divorce is all right. Bit it needs spicing up a bit. How?
Divorce was a no-no until the Second World War made it necessary. Men returned from the war to find their wives with someone else. Lady Chatterley became famous: the story of a women whose man had lost his manhood. Then came the 60s when you “let it all hang out” and sex became “gender” and what you did “in the privacy of Woodstock” was your own business.So now, divorce is quite accepted. Everyone does it.Half a century ago, divorce was only for the very rich. Then everyone - including the Royal Family were at it. What had been unthinkable now became quite normal.
This could be a lot tastier if it were supported with a few fact from people who know their subject well!
“Your divorce petition can be initiated online now for just £37. Or you can have all the divorce forms you'll need to send to Court completed for you for just £67.There isn't a simpler, more complete divorce package available in the UK. If you use our 3-step process to generate your divorce papers you can initiate your divorce in less than 3 minutes and save up to £720.Last year, over 22,000 people in the UK used Quickie-Divorce to initiate their divorce petition, allowing them to get on with their new, happier lives using the UK's most popular low cost 'do it yourself' divorce service.”
The latest divorce figures, released last year, revealed the divorce rate for heterosexual couples in the UK was at a 45-year low, with 101,669 divorces of heterosexual couples in England and Wales. But experts said this could be down to the fact that fewer couples are choosing to get marrie

Well, fellow gourmets of English, how we use of statistics is a matter of taste.
Thanks to the internet, all that research took me just a couple of minutes and I know little or nothing about divorce having been very happily married for a very long time.
PS If you use the internet for research it is only good manners to add the link so people can check and so that the sites you use get the credit.

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