Friday, May 31, 2019

Talking about results.

Sounds boring?
Not at all.
Just fast forward a few years and see what it will look like if...

Just fast forward.

  • What would happen if Green policies were followed to the letter?
  • What would happen if we were simply to leave the EU?
  • What would happen to the Jews if Jeremy Corbyn became leader of the UK?
  • What would happen if Hamas conquered Israel?
  • What would happen if President Trump declared nuclear war on, say, Iran/China/North Korea?
  • What would happen if Pakistan and India went to nuclear war?

People who took up the challenge of the future:

Some of the best video games depend on this. What if there was a nuclear war? What would life be like afterwards? What would life be like if you became a law enforcement agent against drug traffickers in a tropical island? And, best of all, what would happen if you were put in charge of a railway (Railroad Tycoon) or a tropical island as el Presidente? (Tropico). All things that will/could happen in the future.

Back to the future – great film. George Orwell wondered what would happen if the Communists took over in UK. Animal Farm and 1984 were the result. Aldous Huxley wondered what would happen if scientists and geneticists took over the world. Brave New World was the result.

Challenge: Can you do it too? What would the world be like if...

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