The Third Trick:
The first trick is to associate nice things with your idea and to associate nasty things with the opposition.This works with people too.
Of course, if Prince William, for example, decides to support the mentally ill, lots of people will follow his lead. The centre pages of, for instance, the Daily Mail are full of exemplary celebrities advising readers what to wear, what to look like, what to like, what to dislike.
Follow their lead and stay safe!
Now let's take that one step further.
The French put it best: C'est normal.Everyone does it!
Please read this hand-out:
If you discover that you have a pregnancy that you feel you are unable to continue with, we will be here to support you to make a decision that is right for you.
We are an independent healthcare charity which for more than 50 years, has been advocating and caring for women and couples who decide to end a pregnancy.
Nearly all of the women we see have their care paid for by the NHS. We are the leading specialists of abortion advice and treatment in the UK, taking care of almost 80,000 women each year in over 70 reproductive healthcare clinics nationwide.
In sales this is called the assumption closure. You just assume a sale. So that is the end of the matter. Abortion – right or wrong? Don't ask! Everybody does it! It's normal.
Oh - and never forget the stats:
50 years. 80,000 women. 70 “reproductive healthcare clinics".That proves it is quite normal. (Why is getting rid of a baby "healthcare"? Or "Reproductive"?)
Allow me, please, to shock you.
I would like to remind you, before you read this that I have Jews in my own family and that I was brought up in a school where there were a lot of boys from the East End too. An, yes, I had to read it twice to see if it really was that wicked."Whoever had the occasion to be an eye-witness during the slaughtering of animals or to see at least a truthful film on the slaughtering - will never forget this horrible experience. It is atrocious. And unwillingly, he is reminded of the crimes which the Jews have committed for centuries on men. He will be reminded of the ritual murder.All these anti-Semitic lies must be true: everyone knows! Everyone believes it! This is the official Nazi government newspaper for heaven's sake!
"History points out hundreds of cases in which non-Jewish children were tortured to death. They also were given the same incision through the throat as is found on slaughtered animals. They also were slowly bled to death while fully conscious"- Der Stürmer, July 1938
End of argument.
What utter rubbish that is. Nevertheless it was even taught (and believed) in schools throughout Germany and even, I am afraid, in England that the "Elders ofZion" caught Christian children and murdered them in the Kosher manner.
I could give examples of the assumption clause from all sorts of very debatable places. Euthanasia clinics? Hare coursing? Suicide and self harm websites? Jimmy Savile was made a popular knight of the realm because, at the time, everyone knew he was a saint.
I am sure that you can think of several more examples...
This third trick is so powerful that we have to expose it whenever we come across it.
“Everyone” can be badly wrong.
(PS Did you notice my clever use of Trick One?)
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