Saturday, May 25, 2019

Trick 9: Deduction.

Say something which everyone who follows you believes to be right.
Deduce your idea from that.

Ramadan fasting in the workplace

In an effort to move beyond the Islamophobic rhetoric that makes fasting in the workplace much harder than it needs to be, I ask you, my fellow colleagues, to educate yourself about the month of Ramadan. (Who could possibly disagree with that?)This Ramadan, use your unlimited WiFi access to educate yourself on the holy practices of Ramadan. Understand that in this month of spirituality and shunning of some worldly desires, we may not be at full capacity. And to the haters who endlessly claim that it’s not their job to learn about some foreigners’ religion, to them I say: we are all foreigners. We are all immigrants, and so long as the world continues to grow and connect, we all must self-reflect and learn about our community.
(Who can possibly argue with education! Is is a shoo in. Notice how the thought about us all being foreigners is quietly slipped in after, though. It is not, of course, true, but it sounds right, doesn't it!)

Or this:
The void of not living in Palestine, to me, can never be one hundred percent filled, ever. Living in the diaspora is a sort of despair we did not wish upon ourselves; it is our inescapable reality. That is, at least, how I feel.Throughout my time here in Canada, I have met so many Palestinians. I even lived in the Middle East, and I have never met a community of Palestinians like here. We all have something in common: we are desperate to try to define home because we have never lived in Palestine. A lot of us travel to find what we could have had.
(This is a very good example of a topic sentence which cannot be questioned leading to an inevitable conclusion which you cannot disagree with either.)

Both of these paragraphs are taken from a site which appeals to Muslim women, so the words in green resonate there. They probably don't, however, resonate outside the community of Muslim women.

Here is something for everyone to agree with.

Good men never lack rewards, and crimes never go without their punishment; for in all their activities, the purpose for which each deed is performed can reasonably be regarded as its reward. For example, the crown of victory is the purpose of running on the racetrack, and therein lies the reward.

That resonates with everybody even though it was written shortly after the fall of the Roman Empire way back in 500 a.d. by a Roman (Boethius) who had been quite unjustly put in jail by a barbarian invader. The picture on the book cover above shows Philosophy consoling Boethius in prison.

If only the words in green were true!

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