Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Trick Six: Defining the conversation.

Sales people are very good at this. It is called listing the advantages.

Salespeople have to learn their script. It is detailed. It describes the product with technical words. Only the good points are listed: bad points come later. (If at all!)
Next time you buy something, listen to the sales rep. They will go through the advantages with great care!
Learn from them and do the same when you, too, come to make your argument. 
Lovingly talk about the advantages one by one. 

This works for everyone.

If you are making a speech at a wedding, talk about the couple and say how nice they both are. If you are saying a few words at a funeral, do the same. List the advantages. If you are writing an essay for a College, list the advantages - the details - of your argument, the facts, the dates, the people, the times. Show how they fit. 

List the advantages of your argument.

If you want to discuss a topic and convince people that your point of view is the right one, then it is important that you say clearly why you like it so that people can see why you like it. 

Example 1: Islam.

The examples which I take for this blog come from all over the place. So let's choose Islam.

Why should people sit down and talk about Islam with Muslims?

The argument:

Islamic terrorists think that by going round terrorising people they can spread Islam throughout the world. They do not bother to tell us why they have to wreck other people's lives. They just assume that everyone accepts their point of view. Which is why they make their religion really unpopular.
When Muslims actually sit down and discuss their faith scientifically, however, it isfascinating and, I must admit, very inspiring too. People usually come away positive.

Examples will expand this.

I have outlined the expansion points in blue. 
Almost any terrorist atrocity will give you the examples you need to show what is happening at the moment.

  • There is almost no warning before a terrorist murder. 
  • There are a lot of assumptions by the terrorist which are never questioned. 
  • Islamophobia is widespread. Personal examples? The internet is your friend - google it.
  • Find a victim of terrorism  and say what they have gone through.
So when people sit down and discuss these atrocities, they will be shown up for what they really are. Argument and discussion will expose them for everyone to see. Give an example of someone who has come away positive.

Listing the advantages is a very convincing way to persuade people to buy, to change their mind or just to agree with you.

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