Thursday, June 13, 2019

Chalk and cheese?

Does my bum look big in this? Good question. The man who was hammered to death by his wife called her “thunder thighs”. So her anger is understandable if not justified.
But does my bum look big in this is a good question because it leads to: “Does my bum look big in this compared with...?” Remember Jennifer Lopez? Remember Princess Di? Compared with what or – who?

Comparing things describes them.

Let's take this a tep further on. If we take things that have nothing to do with each other and compare them, we can arouse people's interest.
  • Climate Change and LGBT rights?
  • Tony Blair and Mrs May?
  • Boris Johnson and Winston Churchill?
  • Donald Trump and President Truman?

This is a simple trick, but if you are stuck for an argument, it points up the differences very clearly indeed and people sit up and listen.
When Laura Kuenessberg asked Boris Johnson a question as he launched his bid for leadership, she listed a tirade of questions about his unreliability, his untrustworthiness and his slovenly attitude to detail. 
His reply? He likened her attack to minestrone soup! “Let us just take one crouton”, he said.
Immediately the attack was defused.

Comedians do this trick every time.

  • The Dead parrot sketch – compare a dead parrot with a living one.
  • Charlie Chaplain dressed like a very smart man with a cane, smart moustache and bowler hat. Except that his shoes didn't fit.
  • Jo Brand saying the most outrageous things in a cut glass accent.
I hand you this trick to use at your discretion. Works every time. You can be the cat in a world of mice.

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