Friday, June 14, 2019

History is bunk.

Good old Henry Ford! Pithy old Henry Ford!
“You can have any colour so long as it is black.”
Honestly! That is how, a hundred years ago, he sold the Model T – the first car that ordinary Americans could afford. Today, now look! Cars everywhere.

History is actually a very useful tool.

We look back and see things in perspective.
And even when you want to talk about the future, it is clever to mention the past.
Mr Juncker, a veteran politician in his last State of the Union Speech to the EU:
Mr President,
Honourable Members of the European Parliament,
At times, history moves forward only haltingly but it is always quick to pass us by.
Such is the fate of a Commission with just a five year mandate to make a real difference.
This Commission is merely a chapter, a brief moment in the long history of the European Union.
But the time has not yet come to pass judgement on the Commission I have the honour of presiding over.
This is why I will not today present you with an overview of the last four years' achievements. (My italics.)Instead, I say to you that our efforts will continue unabated. We will keep working to render this imperfect Union that little bit more perfect with each passing day.

Guess what? A historical lesson followed those words:

History can also show up, unannounced, in the life of nations and be slow to leave.
Such was the fate of Europe's nations during the Great War starting in 1914. A war which took the sunny, optimistic and peaceful continent of the time by surprise.
In 1913, Europeans expected to live a lasting peace. And yet, just a year later, a brutal war broke out amongst brothers, engulfing the continent.
I speak of these times not because I believe we are on the brink of another catastrophe. But because Europe is the guardian of peace. We should be thankful we live on a peaceful continent, made possible by the European Union. So let us show the European Union a bit more respect. Let us stop dragging its name through the mud and start defending our communal way of life more.

History makes everyone stand tall. 

We in Britain look back to a time when we ruled the world. We no longer do so. But that does not mean that we should not hold up our heritage for all to see. And be very proud.

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