Monday, June 3, 2019

Gourmet English: Fair's fair.

Gourmet English: Fair's fair.:

Fair's fair.

What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Equality. Same all round. Fair go, mate!
If we can show that one section is getting something, why not give everyone a bit too?
This is a very powerful argument.

It underlies a lot of left wing thinking too.

Labour has rediscovered its radical vision. 

Recently, Momentum declared it would be supporting bold policies at this year’s Labour Party conference, including ...the introduction of a four-day working week. Meanwhile, Jeremy Corbyn has pledged to extend Labour’s plan for a higher living wage of £10/hr to workers under the age of 18, and committed to installing solar panels on 1.75 million homes, creating tens of thousands of jobs, cutting fuel costs in the communities that need it most, and fighting the climate emergency. Linking social and climate justice is exactly the right way to enthuse the millions of people Labour needs – young, working class, diverse – to win the next general election.
If rich people can afford to work just a few days a week, to install solar panels, to pay themselves huge salaries and to move seamlessly from job to job, why not everyone? That is justice. Fair go for everyone.

The Conservatives are at it just as much. Fair go for all:

But he (Michael Gove) also recognises that this Government isn’t working for everyone and that putting this right will require a re-thinking and re-energising of our domestic agenda too. Yesterday, he pledged to restore real terms per pupil school funding to 2015 levels.


Underlying most politics in the UK at the moment is this adage: For the many not the few. Fair go for all!
Equality is a very powerful message and one which appeals to nearly everyone. Because we are all equal after all, are we not.

  • Equality is, of course, the enemy of excellence. 
  • Equality is, of course, the enemy of extraordinary. 
  • Equality is, of course, the enemy of outstanding.

And often the people who peddle it are people in very prominent positions, through their own hard work and outstanding capabilities..

Nevertheless, the appeal to equality always seems to work.

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