Friday, June 7, 2019

Gourmet English: There are two sides to every question.

Gourmet English: There are two sides to every question.:

There are two sides to every question.

If you are a salesman (or woman) and do a presentation, make sure that you only list the good bits! Do not describe the disadvantages. Leave them for later. That is how you arouse the buyer's interest. 
And it is also how you can win an argument. There are two sides - you only talk about your own.

From e bay:

NEW LISTINGHonda CB1000R Tri Colour Low Miles Excellent Condition CB 1000 R MotorbikeHonda CB1000R. Crash Bungs. A very sought after colour combination. 8405 Miles. 2 Previous Owners.
NEW LISTINGCBR600RR 2005 RR5 LOWmiles 13kFor sale here is my 2005 Honda cbr600rr with super low miles 13k! Just over 13k miles. Barely run in! currently sorn’ed. No mot- but there’s no reason it would fail. Needs a good clean really. Mirror has paint flaking (may paint before sale - see pic).
Notice how the first bike looks far more attractive. The defects are all honestly noted on the second one, giving a probably false impression of a very unsure sale. The first one, however, is obviously worth a look.

On the other hand…

Sincerity. Understanding. Kindness.
All these words are very attractive. And at the end of the day, the salesman sells himself. If you show these three shining virtues in your argument, it becomes a lot more powerful.
If you show quite clearly that you understand the other person's point of view, together with all its advantages, its emotional appeal and the reasons for it being put forward, people will start to listen carefully when you outline your own reasons for not believing it.

Spiked on Line often sees the other side quite clearly:
There once was a time when the only person who called everyone remotely right-wing a ‘fascist’ or a ‘Nazi’ was Rick from The Young Ones – the ludicrous proto-woke student from that 1980s comedy. Now, everybody is at it.

At the weekend, the London mayor, Sadiq Khan, compared Donald Trump and his supporters to ‘the fascists of the 20th century’. On Tuesday, at a London rally in protest against Trump’s visit, one supporter of the US president was milkshaked and branded ‘Nazi scum’. At the same rally, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn spoke of the ‘hatreds that are being fuelled by the far-right in Britain’. Elsewhere, the MP Anna Soubry has called Brexit supporters ‘fascists’.

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has for years been tarnished with these inaccurate, sensationalist and politically illiterate slurs: ‘fascist’, ‘far right’, ‘Nazi’, etc. This is a man (who) says he is pro-choice and wants some recreational drugs legalised. He has also been accused of wanting to privatise the NHS. In sum, he is an arch-libertarian – the very opposite of a fascist.

And if Trump is a fascist, then Obama was one too, being a president who started building a wall to keep out Mexicans and who bombed countless foreign countries. Indeed, ….

Ever played “Call of Duty?” A good soldier knows all about the enemy… Make sure you do too.

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